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The Book Blogger Platform

The Book Blogger Platform - Barb Drozdowich Straight to the point. Lots of useful information. Great tips. A precious tool for book bloguers and authors. I haven't seen the videos yet (the book as links to author's videos), but I'm sure they will add value to the book.

The Complete Mailing List Toolkit: A box set

The Complete Mailing List Toolkit: A box set - Barb Drozdowich, Jah Kaine I am impressed by Barb Drozdowich’s books and this box set in particular. It has four extremely useful books:
Book 1 – Strategies to grow your list
Book 2 – The nuts and bolts of MailChimp
Book 3 – Get your emails delivered
Book 4 – Newsletters that rock

I just discovered this author through this box set and I already have a list of other books by her to read. In fact, I just bought one yesterday. She writes mainly for book authors but the content she conveys can also benefit bloggers.
This box set has surely given a lot of work to write. It’s comprehensive, it’s detailed, it’s accessible to read. It makes complex technicalities easy to understand. It’s an extensive how-to set of books for those who want to build a mailing list and establish quality relationships with their readers through newsletters. The second book has detailed instructions about how to work with Mailchimp and I found it useful and simple to follow. It helped me so much since I had just created a MailChimp account with the purpose of starting to create a mailing list for my new blog. These books came just at the right time for me!

I was provided with an arc of this book by Netgalley and the publisher, so I could give an honest review.

Manga Classics: Emma

Manga Classics: Emma - Po Tse, Jane Austen, Luke Mehall;Gaelen Engler;Drew Thayer;Ashley King;Stacy Bare;Chris Barlow;Erica Lineberry;Brendan  Leonard;Teresa Bruffey;D. Scott Borden, Crystal Chan I was surprised by this combination: english classic literature with japanese popular culture in the form of manga comics. It was strange to read backwards (the correct way to read manga is explained in the book) but I got used to it. I read Pride and Prejudice and Emma by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. The stories are all true to the original, mixed with the expressiveness of the characters drawn with the typical manga big eyes. There's also humor in the illustrations. It's a different reading. It's fun to see the classics you know translated in a different art form.

I was provided an ARC by Netgalley and the publisher. This is my honest review.

Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice Softcover

Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice Softcover - Jane Austen I was surprised by this combination: english classic literature with japanese popular culture in the form of manga comics. It was strange to read backwards (the correct way to read manga is explained in the book) but I got used to it. I read Pride and Prejudice and Emma by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. The stories are all true to the original, mixed with the expressiveness of the characters drawn with the typical manga big eyes. There's also humor in the illustrations. It's a different reading. It's fun to see the classics you know translated in a different art form.

I was provided an ARC by Netgalley and the publisher. This is my honest review.

Manga Classics: Jane Eyre

Manga Classics: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë I was surprised by this combination: english classic literature with japanese popular culture in the form of manga comics. It was strange to read backwards (the correct way to read manga is explained in the book) but I got used to it. I read Pride and Prejudice and Emma by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. The stories are all true to the original, mixed with the expressiveness of the characters drawn with the typical manga big eyes. There's also humor in the illustrations. It's a different reading. It's fun to see the classics you know translated in a different art form.

I was provided an ARC by Netgalley and the publisher. This is my honest review.

Fisher's Autism Trilogy

Fisher's Autism Trilogy - Paul C. Nelson Every kid deserves to feel special. Thats a fact. And that´s exactly what this book attempts, sucessfully, to portray.
Unfortunately there are many stigmas around a condition such as autism, people make assumptions and cast them out, we have seen this many times. People are cruel. And in this book we do see that as well, because it´s reality and if those kids have to deal with it, the least we can do is listen. 
So please listen to the message of this book, that shows not only the harsh side of reality but also mixes it with magic and lovely fantasy elements. Fisher and his friends possess magic abilities, consequently there is evil magic as well a personification of cruelty.It mixed fun and entertainment with the serious aspect of it all.  
One of the elements I loved about this story was the family element. I live for good fathers like this and I genuinely believe that young adult fiction lacks representation of good parental figures so Im glad this book took a different route.
The writing is simple and easy to understand making this a more pleasant experience. I genuinely have nothing negative to say.
I hope for nothing but good things for the author and his son.

The Blog Post Writing Formula: How to write a compelling blog post - An easy way to write blog posts fast

The Blog Post Writing Formula: How to write a compelling blog post - An easy way to write blog posts fast - Ian Stables Very useful. Good tips. The author goes straight to the point. Very concise. Brief but comprehensive.

Write Faster Today: Writing Habits That Destroy Writer’s Block

Write Faster Today: Writing Habits That Destroy Writer’s Block - Emma Fisher, Writing With this book, Emma Fisher intends to help out those who struggle with their writing. She presents several tricks to win over writer's block. She also describes the various stages of writing the writer undergoes in the difficult creative journey. It's a small book with good, although not new, information. These are pieces of advice that are always good to remember.

Lord of Pleasure

Lord of Pleasure - Erica Ridley Erica Ridley is a pleasant surprise. "Lord of Pleasure" is the first book by this author that I read. This historical romance is well-paced and engaging. It's very easy to relate to the main characters. They show their true selves when they have their masks on (literally). They didn't like each other, or even themselves, when they performed the part society expected them to. Yet, when they didn't have the burden of public expectations on them, they easily fell in love.
I also liked the heroine's sisters. Very amusing.
Sometimes, when reading this genre, I get bored around the middle of the plot: that was not the case with this book. It was a pleasure to read it.

I received an ARC edition from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

How to Write Great Blog Posts that Engage Readers

How to Write Great Blog Posts that Engage Readers - Steve Scott This is a small and simple book about writing good content for your blog. It offers a recipe for the creation of successful posts in an easy and very useful way. It's a great tool for novice bloggers.

The Little Voice

The Little Voice - Joss Sheldon Saying that this book is relatable is an understatement.

"Because I didn’t want to be what I ‘might be’. I wanted to be me."

Everyone has experienced the feeling of restriction, by your parents by your teacher,by yourself, by social constructs. Whatever it is, it is almost always based on ideas that you are taught since you are born.

How many people do you know went to university only because their parents wanted them to? Or people who went along with whatever their friends did or said because they didn’t want to be that person?

School teaches you how to think, how to talk, how to speak. Friends and family often tell you how to act. And that has long-term effects.

The Little Voice by Joss Sheldon shows said effects. It is very nicely paced, covering the authors life from childhood to adulthood in 200? pages.

The author explains the psychology involved in a easy way to understand, not using difficult words or too-complicated sentences.
Everything came across nicely which is refreshing when you compare it with books who try too hard to be “eye-opening” and end up being more confusing than anything else. This book is nothing like that.

It did went off topic at certain points but those insights ended up giving a more specific idea of who Yew is. We were able to understand him more and thus relate to him more.

Being in his head, you feel exactly what he feels, because the struggles he goes through are so often struggles of our own.

If you enjoy psychology and well-written biographies then please give this a read. You will not regret it.

Thank you BookTasters for providing this great experience.

Cinderella and the Furry Slippers

Cinderella and the Furry Slippers - Davide Cali, Raphaelle Barbanegre "Cinderella and the Furry Slippers" is a modern version of the traditional tale. This poor girl, with the bad stepmother and the awful sisters, dreams with the prince she sees in the magazines. When a ball is announced, she makes a call for a godmother and asks her for a dress as she has seen in a fashion magazine…from now on nothing in this book is as we come to expect (not even the slippers!).
In the end, Cinderella runs from the disgusting prince and finds a job fair where she discovers new life perspectives. She finally feels empowered and independent, a princess of today to inspire nowadays girls.
The illustrations complement well the text: they are both great fun! This is a short tale for children who have a sense of humor and like to be surprised.
I was provided with an arc of this book by Netgalley and the publisher, so I could give an honest review.

12 Startup Success Secrets - Mindset and Strategies workbook for building a Successful Online Business

12 Startup Success Secrets - Mindset and Strategies workbook for building a Successful Online Business - Eddie Yu This is an extremely comprehensive book about the opportunity we all have to create a successful online Internet business in nowadays’ world context. Who doesn’t want to do something one is passionate about and with the freedom to work how and when one chooses? Eddie Yu teaches 12 lessons that can make you achieve that perfect lifestyle. These lessons come from his experience as a self-made entrepreneur. He describes his inspiring, courageous and bold journey from unemployment to wealth and, most of all, freedom.

It all starts with cultivating the right mindset. Action follows. It is extremely important to push yourself to the limits of your comfort, believe that you are ready to build your dream business, be creative and resourceful. It is determinant to invest in self-improvement by learning the skills necessary. And be unafraid. It’s difficult! It’s a difficult and challenging personal journey to make, especially if you have family who depends on you financially.

This is a book that comes at the right time in my life, its reading motivating and empowering. Without a doubt, an enriching reading.

I’m going to use his idea about vision journals. I loved it. I liked the authors approach to the whole journal concept, and how he created a relationship between journaling and his software platform.

Sun Kisses

Sun Kisses - Lynda Beaver, Jolie Beaver, Stacey Bell A beautiful allegory of mother’s love and the celebration of one’s singularity

This book has poetry, it touches us with a story about the beautiful, inspiring and unconditional love felt between mother and daughter.
There’s an allegory between the love of the Sun, this huge and powerful star, and a mother's love. And through this allegory Emily’s freckles are no longer a source of shame but signs of love and a reason to be proud.
Emily represents all children who struggle with self-esteem issues and with the cruel comments of other kids. This is a book about self-acceptance that helps children grow up with self-esteem and the certainty that they are special and loved. We also learn that storytelling can have a healing ability.
The illustrations have soft, beautiful colors and the images express well the characters emotions, being a fine complement to the text.

Jardim sem Muro

Jardim sem Muro - José Leon Machado Neste livro não há deslumbres de linguagem, malabarismos linguísticos ou overdoses de recursos estilísticos. O escritor não se dispersa. Não há excessos. A escrita é enxuta e não há lugar para palavras supérfluas. (O que não é fácil de conseguir: aliás é esse o desafio do conto enquanto narrativa curta).

É a ironia que confere a estes contos o seu principal fator de atração. É difícil suspender a  leitura  a meio de um conto: a expectativa inquieta e diverte. O travo irónico da escrita promete a recompensa e o sorriso que vem com o ponto final.

Conheça o Calheiros, pequeno empresário da construção civil, cinquentão atrevido que tenta seduzir uma jovem estagiária com idade para ser sua filha. No conto A Nova Gestora.

Em O Despiste, veja como o Mouta, emigrado na Suiça com a mulher e os filhos, vindo passar o Natal sozinho à terra natal, sucumbe a  um momentâneo acesso de fervor religioso entre duas idas à casa de alterne local.

Internautas é sobre as andanças de Lucas, funcionário de repartição de finanças que, aos 34 anos, apanhou o vício da Internet, dos chats românticos (será que deteto aqui um oxímoro?) e das visitas assíduas aos sites pornográficos. É numa dessas noitadas virtuais que conhece a Doidinha, fogosa brasileira, com quem inicia relação romântica e sexual transatlântica.

Quanto a Os Canalizadores, saiba que se o título do conto pode parecer banal e pouco literário, nas suas linhas vai encontrar o mito de Adão e Eva entre canos, tubos de cobre e PVC. :) 

Recomendo vivamente a leitura destes contos em cuja leitura encontramos a ironia que reconhecemos na vida.

A Estrada

A Estrada - Paulo Faria, Cormac McCarthy Este é um best-seller que ganhou o prestigiado Pulitzer Prize, um livro muito bem escrito mas penoso de se ler. Apesar de difícil, doloroso, por estarmos perante um mundo pós-apocalipse em que um cataclismo impreciso devastou a terra, o ambiente, os animais, a humanidade e a civilização, onde tudo se resume a cinzas, devastação, frio, fome e cansaço, teimamos em acompanhar um homem e o seu filho na sua viagem épica. Em direção ao Sul, onde não sabem o que vão encontrar ou se há sequer algo digno de ser encontrado.
Porquê? Porque a relação entre pai e filho, cada um a vida um do outro, enche o livro. Ainda que os diálogos sejam curtos e até pontuais, a economia das palavras simples mas bem selecionadas parece conseguir condensar a intensidade da relação entre os dois e de ambos perante a situação limite em que sobrevivem.
O confronto com o canibalismo e a barbárie é brutal.
A história de uma viagem que não é assim tão improvável num futuro relativamente próximo, o que torna mais dolorosa a leitura.